
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Federal Wha?!?

Do any of you know what the Federal Register is? I bet if I polled the American people, no more than 20% of all Americans would have any idea what the Federal Register is. To quote, "The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) provides access to the official text of: Federal Laws, Presidential Documents, Administrative Regulations and Notices".

Professor Daniel A. Harris knows what the Federal Register does. He outlines what it does in his Business Law I class. He explains that the Federal Register is a government publication published five days per week to "notify" the people of all new and future laws, regulations, and rules. The intent of this document is to keep the people informed, and yet no one seems to know about it! It's a joke when our government is so big that it can afford to give the American people this much crap.

"How much crap?" you ask. Let me put it this way: The September 28th, 2005 Federal Register (Volume 10, No. 187) contained a 19 page table of contents. That's right, almost 20 pages of the publication consisted of a list of everything in the document! That's just one day! It's no wonder that not only do the American people not care to read this piece of junk, but most don't even know about it. Our government has gotten so massive that the majority of the people don't even make the effort to keep up anymore. In fact, this is not a surprise to our politicians. Greek philosopher Plato actually saw this coming. He wrote:

The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.

America was created on great courage stemming from the spiritual faith that brought many persecuted peoples to this continent. We immediately set up a government known for its liberty. Quickly we progressed to be one of the most powerful nations in the world. This is the stage during which we had an abundance. Then we learned that with democracy, we could vote ourselves money from the public treasury. This was our selfishness. It brought us to a contentedness with ourselves, or complacency, which led us to this point. We just don't care how big our government gets. Our apathy created a government that has gotten so monumental that we have all but given up on controlling it. It ignores the Constitution that created it, and we're letting it drag us to the end of this chain. This is the nasty truth.

In New Orleans, we can clearly see that some people have already left the apathy stage and have led themselves into dependence. The government loses control of their lives for only a short period of time, and they proceed to go around killing each other. They take the money we give them to rebuild their lives and spend it on lap dances! We are about to begin the worst stage. What is that? Bondage. Yes, the next stage is where we submit to a government of excessive control. We cannot let this occur. We must fight back! I didn't advocate revolution; Jefferson did.

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere." – Thomas Jefferson (1743-1846), U.S. President, Letter to Abigail Adams, 22 February 1787

I would never take the stance of advocating revolution by the sword, but I do believe it's time for a change. Don't vote for one of the two parties who's going to perpetuate this cycle. Let's escape this cycle. I have faith in the American people. I trust you will make the right decision.

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